Letter from Roma and Sinti activists to Nobel Peace Prize laureates

Last December, 15 Roma and Sinti activists taking part in a 3-month training organised by the Associazione 21 Luglio and the ERRC in Rome received their diplomas. The training was aimed at building the capacities of Roma and Sinti young adults to advocate for the rights of their communities. Discrimination against these communities has greatly escalated in recent years, and a current political scandal unveiled the exploitation of Roma communities by the Mafia and corrupted politicians.

Proud and determined, the activists have already taken advantage of the skills they acquired during the course and taken steps to denounce the discrimination that Roma and Sinti communities face in Italy. On the occasion of the XIV World Summit of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, which was held in Rome on 12-14 December 2014, they met with 1976 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Máiread Corrigan Maguire and 2003 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin Ebadi to pass on their message, a “call of fellowship, peace, and mutual respect aimed at building a better world”.

Read the full letter to the Nobel laureates here:


Strategic Human Rights Litigation | CEU Summer University …f

Human rights movts’ basic question: if change takes place at local level—what does it mean to be “international”?

Medien- und Meinungsfreiheit für Ungarn

“We’re in trouble and we want to get out. 
It’s in everybody’s interest independent of political affiliation.” 
– Gábor Iványi, head of the Evangelical Brotherhood.

Gedenken an den 70. Jahrestag der Befreiung des Budapester Ghettos 
– im Holocaust Gedenkjahr in Ungarn

Kinneret Photo's photo.

Die unabhängige Bürgerrechtsvereinigung TASZ, die sich gerade auf dem Gebiet der Rechtshilfe für benachteiligte Gruppen, vor allem die Roma, einen Namen gemacht hat, springt dem neonazistischen Medium „kuruc. info“ jetzt bei und bot ihm kostenlosen Rechtsbeistand für eine Berufung gegen das Artikelverbot an. 
TASZ ist bereit, die Meinungsfreiheit über die Würde der Opfer des Holocaust zu stellen und das trotz bestehender Gesetze!

Uroczystości wyzwolenia obozu w #Auschwitz bez Putina … #Polska #Rosja #IIWW #Auschwitz70 via @knieczypor

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Seems to be no #Ebola at #Moscow Sheremetyevo. @RT_com: ‚Doctors are saying that it is more likely food poisoning‘ – Aeroflot

According to @RT_com there’s a possible #Ebola case on Aeroflot flight #SU2455 Paris-Moscow. Landed at 7pm. Medics are examining passengers

Why does most of the media appear rigged and does not to carry enough about the 99% and dwells too much on the 1%? What causes bias? Ad $s?

Medien- und Meinungsfreiheit für Ungarn

Protection from evictions and improving housing – the ERRC’s #Ukrainian approach: … #Roma #RomaRights

Legalising the Tabor?: … via @errctweets #Roma #RomaRights #Ukraine

Protection from evictions and improving housing – the ERRC’s Ukrainian approach

Protection from evictions and improving housing – the ERRC’s Ukrainian approach

In some ‪#‎Roma‬ settlements in ‪#‎Ukraine‬ people sometimes live under threat of ‪#‎eviction‬ and in low standard accommodation. The ERRC has managed to legally register a condominium for four ‪#‎Romani‬ families in ‪#‎Uzhhorod‬, giving them official ownership of their homes. Not only does this protect the families from eviction or threat of eviction, but they can now apply for assistance to improve their dwellings (something many non-Roma in Uzhhorod have already done). Now other households are following the same procedure. Together with the ERRC, this Romani community is organising itself to fight for and defend their rights, and showing a way for Roma in Ukraine to use the law in their favour.

As Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit to Budapest nears, there is conflicting speculation about the purpose of her visit. Merkel will spend five hours in Budapest, apparently on February 2. This short stint will include a meeting with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and a visit to Magyarországi Zsidó Hitközségek Szövetsége, the umbrella organization representing the Jewish religious community.

Dein Ayurveda Net @DeinAyurvedaNet