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Posts by admin

Report of Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar

No American or European Company imposed Sanctions. Impose sanctions NOW!

Which companies are doing business with Burma’s genocidal military?

Rohingya Genocide 2 Years On

UK Rights Group Expands ‘Dirty List’ of Companies with Ties to Myanmar Army

#Bangladesh/ #Myanmar situation at #ICC:

‚Dirty List‘ of companies linked to Burma’s military

The long road to the Geneva Conventions of 1949


Sanction Burmese military companies:

3rd #Cambodia Fundamental Freedoms Monitor report.

UN fact-finding panel calls for sanctions, arms embargo against Myanmar army

#Syria govt documents show aid efforts worst human rights abuses

Security Council adopts #CAAC conclusions on the situation of children in #Myanmar.

There can be no lasting peace in #Syria without justice & accountability.

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